Creating Visual Studio project and solution templates - Part 2, VS for Windows extension
In the first part of this set of posts I looked at creating a dotnet new project template. These are …
Introducing Visual Studio Mobile Center
In this article, excerpted from chapter 15 of Xamarin in Action, we’ll be looking at using Visual …
Creating Visual Studio project and solution templates - Part 1, dotnet new
I’ve recently updated my MvvmCross templates to support .NET Standard to be ready for the …
Hitting refresh on my career
Inspired by Satya Nadella’s Hit Refresh, a book well worth reading, I thought I’d write …
Using LiveXAML to improve your Xamarin Forms UIs
One of the downsides to UI development is how long it takes to get a good looking UI. You spend an …
Introduction to UI Testing with Xamarin
This article is an excerpt from Xamarin in Action. Save 37% off the cover price using code …
Firewall issues with iOS simulators
I keep getting an annoying issue with my iOS simulators. When I run an app in a simulator that needs …
Game of Phones - Winter is coming
Winter of Xamarin - register now at http://aka.ms/winterofxamarin.
Stay warm with Microsoft & Xamarin!
For those in New Zealand, Microsoft and Xamarin have announced some cool events: Brr! It’s getting …
Specflow support in Visual Studio for Mac
Love Specflow and Visual Studio for Mac? Well you are in luck as there is now a working extension …
Opening multiple solutions in Visual Studio for Mac
One area Macs are very different to Windows PCs is in the way documents are opened. Mac apps manage …
Upcoming talks
I’m excited to announce that I’ll be talking at a couple of major conferences this year: …