
Connect to localhost from inside a dev container
Connect to localhost from inside a dev container

I do a lot of work in dev containers (for example, using liblab inside of one), often hosting APIs. …

Installing liblab into a devcontainer using NPM
Installing liblab into a devcontainer using NPM

In this post we look at how to add NPM packages to a devcontainer to use in VS Code locally or in a …

Getting started with GitHub Codespaces
Getting started with GitHub Codespaces

The bane of every new developers life is getting your environment set up to be productive. And when …

Using TinyML to identify farts
Using TinyML to identify farts

TLDR; Find a complete hands-on lab to build a TinyML audio classifier at …

Run Visual Studio Code on a Raspberry Pi
Run Visual Studio Code on a Raspberry Pi

It’s finally here! An official supported version of VS Code that runs on a Raspberry Pi! …

Adding Try .NET to VSCode launch.json
Adding Try .NET to VSCode launch.json

Learn how to launch Try .NET from VS Code using the debug menu instead of the terminal.

Connecting Pycom boards to Azure IoT Hub
Connecting Pycom boards to Azure IoT Hub

Learn how to connect a PyCom board to Azure IoT Hub

Python on a Raspberry Pi using VS Code
Python on a Raspberry Pi using VS Code

Want to use VS Code on a Raspberry Pi to code in Python?

Here’s how to do it.

Open anything in VS Code using a MacOS quick action
Open anything in VS Code using a MacOS quick action

I’ve been getting fed up with the long winded process to open things in VS Code - you know, …