
MvvmCross extension for Visual Studio 2017
MvvmCross extension for Visual Studio 2017

Update - it’s now on the marketplace! Link here: …

MVVM – the design pattern for Xamarin apps
MVVM – the design pattern for Xamarin apps

This article is an excerpt from Xamarin in Action MVVM is the most popular design pattern for …

MvvmCross Extension for Visual Studio for Mac
MvvmCross Extension for Visual Studio for Mac

I’ve been working to update the MvvmCross Xamarin Studio add-in to work with Visual Studio for …

Animating Xamarin Forms progress bars
Animating Xamarin Forms progress bars

Don’t you just hate boring UIs? With no animations to bring them to life? Me too! Especially …

Missing Xamarin Studio add-ins
Missing Xamarin Studio add-ins

In the latest Stable Xamarin Studio (6.1.2) there is a problem with add-ins - the add-in gallery is …

Xamarin Dev Days!
Xamarin Dev Days!

Our Xamarin Dev Days has been immortalized in a YouTube video! Thanks to Peace of Dreams for filming …

Effects in Xamarin.Forms
Effects in Xamarin.Forms

Xamarin.Forms is pretty awesome, it provides an abstraction over the UI layer of iOS, Android and …

Xamarin Dev Days Auckland - 19th November 2016
Xamarin Dev Days Auckland - 19th November 2016

There’s only 1 week to go until the first Xamarin Dev Days in Auckland, hosted by the Auckland …

Using iOS 10 notifications with iBeacons
Using iOS 10 notifications with iBeacons

I’m a huge fan of iBeacons (and if you’re coming to MS Ignite NZ 2016 then you can hear …

Xamarin In Action
Xamarin In Action

Over the last few months I’ve been busily writing away on my first book - Xamarin In Action …

More upcoming talks
More upcoming talks

Ive got a couple of talks coming up around Auckland next week: Xamarin 102 - a slightly deeper dive …

Come hear me talk about iBeacons at MS Ignite NZ
Come hear me talk about iBeacons at MS Ignite NZ

I’ll be at Microsoft Ignite New Zealand this year talking about iBeacons, and show how to use …