
Blind technology
Blind technology

Busy, busy, busy. In the last month I’ve relocated form Thailand to the UK with my family, got …

Useful links
Useful links

I thought it would be good to create a page full of usefull links - things that have helped me solve …

Orientation with Xamarin.Forms
Orientation with Xamarin.Forms

Xamarin.Forms is a great cross platform development tool when it works, but being cross platform it …

Xamarin Insights
Xamarin Insights

At the moment Xamarin are holding their annual Evolve conference in Atlanta. Unfortunately I’m …

iOS pull to refresh without using a UITableView
iOS pull to refresh without using a UITableView

I’ve been working on the UI for my current app, trying to make some usability improvements. …

ComPlexion and legal issues
ComPlexion and legal issues

I’ve been working on an open source Plex REST library. The idea behind it is to provide a …

Performance tuning a website
Performance tuning a website

Despite the rise in fast home broadband, tuning your website for performance is still just as …

FauxGhost - a clean, responsive Ghost theme
FauxGhost - a clean, responsive Ghost theme

This blog, like many others coming out recently, uses the Ghost blogging platform. This is a really …

WeakEvents in PCLs
WeakEvents in PCLs

One of the biggest causes of memory leaks I’ve seen in C# applications is events. Although C# …

Weird goings on with Xamarin
Weird goings on with Xamarin

Yesterday and today I had some weird things happening with Xamarin, so I thought it was work …

NDepend - Part 1
NDepend - Part 1

Patrick from NDepend reached out to me today to ask me to review NDepend. Having dabbled with it a …

Setting the font for an Entry control using Xamarin.Forms
Setting the font for an Entry control using Xamarin.Forms

Xamarin.Forms depsite being very cool is stil a bit lacking when it comes to not only a good range …