
Comparing two mongoDB collections
Comparing two mongoDB collections

I’m doing some work for a client at the moment that involves storing files on disk and …

A little less conversation, a little more iBeacons!
A little less conversation, a little more iBeacons!

iBeacons are a cool technology that allows you to add location awareness to you apps, not based on …

I'm certified
I'm certified

Just a quick post to share with the world the good news! After a lot of lectures and a lot of effort …

Device.StartTimer and iOS backgrounding
Device.StartTimer and iOS backgrounding

I recently completed a lecture on backgrounding in iOS and Android as part of the Xamarin …

Xamarin Estimote iOS component
Xamarin Estimote iOS component

After my Blog post about binding the Estimote iOS SDK, James Montemagno (Developer evangelist at …

Binding iOS libraries in Xamarin
Binding iOS libraries in Xamarin

Update: Since writing this, James Montemagno from Xamarin contacted me to say they are working on an …

JimLib.Xamarin is now updated to the Unified API
JimLib.Xamarin is now updated to the Unified API

Finally, after fighting with Xamarin and having my Surface die and need to be reinstalled twice, …

I'm on iTunes again!
I'm on iTunes again!

This time for an app, not for a podcast. One of my iTunes apps is finally complete and is now …

I'm on iTunes!
I'm on iTunes!

As mentioned before, I wrote a guest post for Core Java Interview Questions all about technical …

Xamarin Unified API
Xamarin Unified API

Recently Apple announced some changes to their requirements for apps submitted to the iOS app store. …

Christmas geekery
Christmas geekery

Just a quick post to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. Or a happy …

Technical tests
Technical tests

A good friend of mine, Sam, has started an awesome site for Java developers to help with the always …