
Building a Xamarin Android app - part 4
Building a Xamarin Android app - part 4

This is the fourth part in the my series about building an Android app using Xamarin.Android. You …

I'm now a Xamarin MVP!
I'm now a Xamarin MVP!

I’m very proud to have been recognised as a Xamarin MVP! Thanks to whoever nominated me. I …

Building a Xamarin Android app - part 3
Building a Xamarin Android app - part 3

This is the third part in the my series about building an Android app using Xamarin.Android. You can …

Come hear me speak at Xamarin Evolve
Come hear me speak at Xamarin Evolve

If you’re going to Xamarin Evolve 2016 this year then come and hear me talk! I’ll be …

Building a Xamarin Android app - part 2
Building a Xamarin Android app - part 2

This is the second part in the my series about building an Android app using Xamarin.Android. You …

Building a Xamarin Android app - part 1
Building a Xamarin Android app - part 1

I’ve got a bit of time off between finishing my career as a slave to the world of finance IT …

Building iBeacon apps using Xamarin.iOS Video Tutorial
Building iBeacon apps using Xamarin.iOS Video Tutorial

As a change from talking about iBeacons at events, I’ve decided to start a series of YouTube …

Free iBeacons
Xamarin Dev Days - Birmingham, 2nd August
Xamarin Dev Days - Birmingham, 2nd August

Xamarin have announced they are doing their first European Dev Day in Birmingham, hosted by the …

Reviewed - Xamarin Mobile Application Development
Reviewed - Xamarin Mobile Application Development

Xamarin Mobile Application Development By Dan Hermes (@ lexiconsystems) Recently I was lucky enough …

The slides from my iBeacon mini-hack are now available
The slides from my iBeacon mini-hack are now available

I had a great time hosting an iBeacon mini-hack with the Birmingham Xamarin Mobile Cross Platform …

iBeacons and (lack of) security
iBeacons and (lack of) security

So in preparation for my upcoming iBeacon mini-hack I’ve been thinking about iBeacon security. …