My first NuGet package

Jim Bennett | Aug 10, 2014

For pretty much every project I’ve worked on I’ve used the same set of extensions and helper classes to make my life easier. For example:

  • Fluent API on strings myString.IsNullOrEmpty() instead of string.IsNullOrEmpty(myString).
  • An ObservableCollectionEx<T> class that allows adding multiple items but only raising on CollectionChanged event.

For my latest project, I’ve found myself creating these all over again. Seeing as I’m using this for an open source API, I thought it might be time to wrap these up into another open source library and make it available on NuGet. Therefore I present JimLib to the world.

The source is on GitHub with the API described on the Wiki.

The package is available from NuGet.

Install using Install-Package JimBobBennett.JimLib.

Submissions and feedback are welcome. I’ll be expanding this library as I go along.